Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Friends spend the day

A few weeks ago my friend Chandra went on a mission trip with her older son. Her other children spent a day or two with us. Here are pics.

Tyler and Kristen decided to scare the younger kids while they were in the bathroom telling "Ghost Stories". This is how they dressed up.

Cade's reaction

Everyone elses reaction. I'm not sure it looks like Ian was really scared but I don't remember him actually crying so I think maybe he is just a good actor

Kristen danced on the ceiling

We made some peach muffins. Not so good.

The little ones played in the pool notice Cade is not there he is very afraid of bugs and thought there were bugs in the pool.

Cade and Ian getting along.

Lulu and Momo looking at pictures and playing webkins

Tyler had the weight of the world on his shoulders this day.

Lulu playing DS

Momo says Peace Out!

1 comment:

chandra said...

Hey, some of those kids look a strangely familiar!! Thanks again for entertaining them while I was gone!! Are you up for it again next year?