Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dog Days of Summer (Last Day of Summer)

This is Luna she is our new puppy dog. Some neighbors of ours
had her and they did not have the time for her so we adopted her.

Luna did not want her picture taken

Tyler's friend Daniel brought all of his dogs over.
This is Lulu and Lucky.

Luna knows where we are.

Lulu and Luna

Chocolate, Lucy and Oreo

Chocolate sneaking up on Luna's food.

Everyone attacking Luna's food

Luna getting a bath

What was Bailey doing while all this was going on .......Just what he is always doing
Being LAZY!

Luna is a happy girl that loves to run with the kids!


chandra said...

She is very cute!! Welcome to the family Luna!

Kristen said...

ummmm are you dead??? u haven't posted a blog in like forever so i think you are dead