Monday, July 14, 2008

Beach Trip!

We went to the beach this weekend, Mema and Grandaddy went also.

Tyler has been very anxious to use his surfboard. Now was his chance, especially with a hurricane out in the ocean the waves were bigger. Of course in GA even big waves are not big.
But they were good for a first try.

Tyler looking at his "shell rash" after a big wipe out.

The gang

Tyler's attempts

I think he was a little surprised in this one.

Lulu seemed to be sticking close to her daddy

Cade trying to figure out the boogie board thing

WOW is that team work?

The kids sure are growing ....... or is Scott SHRINKING!!

My little merman
I always knew there was something fishy about that boy
We learned a few years ago not bury your chest in the sand because you can't breath because of the weight of the sand.
Sand Angels? Hey he really misses the snow!
My Lulu angel

Ever feel like you are being looked down upon?

One last attempt..... Never got up, too many people around, but enjoyed trying
The coolest surfer on the beach ....look he even pulls in the young chics in bikinis
(or he was just bringing the board back up for Tyler)


Lulu was in Cheer Camp last week. She had a performance on Friday night. Here are pics.


Dance routine... Lu is in the back you can barely see her arm and shirt.

Dance routine

Lulu was one of the two split girls. She was front and center.

After routine

Hailey and Annalee were also in camp this week.
Hailey and Lulu

Lulu , Annalee and Hailey

Lulu's split after the performance

Cade's split after the performance


Not such a smooth landing

Rain, No thunder

This is what happens at our house when there is rain with no thunder or lightening.

Monday, July 7, 2008

A Fine Piece of Craftsmanship

Our old rabbit cage was getting to be in pretty bad shape so Scott and Tyler took on the project of a new cage over the weekend. What a fine cage they made. It is very sturdy in fact Tyler crawled in for a little while.

Happy Rabbit


Independence Day

As you already know our town has a parade for everything and the Fourth is no exception.

After the Parade the Fire Dept. put the ladder up and turned on the hose. All the kids had a ball.
(I'm not sure why this pic is so small, but it's the ladder and hose.)

Tyler is in the middle of the heavy spray.

Lulu on the left

Cade's head over close to the firetruck.

This is our neighbors they walked but we were going to Lowes afterwards so we drove.

Waiting for the Parade

At night the whole neighborhood comes out and does fireworks. You can look in any direction and you will see lots of fireworks. For some reason I didn't take any pics of the fireworks in the air but here are some of the ground ones the kids did and our neighbors.

It was a great fourth we did hamburgers and hot dogs for supper of course.