Sunday, November 11, 2007

Noah's Ark at Convenient Store???

You just never know what you'll find. On the way home from
Tyler's tournament in Perry,Ga. we pulled off of I-16 at the
Reidsville Stillmore exit for Scott to drive and this is what we found....
Noah's Ark
a convenient store that has all sorts of animals that you can
feed or just pet. It was great! The animals literally come
running up as soon as someone walks up to the fence.

Here they come. Everyone came to greet us except the mule
but we know how stubborn they can be.

When I said everyone ran, everyone ran!

Pretty colors!

Lllama red pajamas! He likes having his picture taken.

"Time for my close up!"

"This is my best side!"

"Does this fur make my bottom look to big?"



Don't let them step on your toe! (amazing)
Scott says they look like dinosaur feet.

Cade is a city boy he called this a goose.

and this a baby cow.

He finally got that they were biddy goats.

Feed me!

Morgan was excited when the goat ate from her hand.

This goat started scratching his back on the fence so the kids
helped him out.

This goose has walked many miles I guess! (notice the holes
in the webbing of his feet.

Lots of geese!

After about 30 minutes the kids didn't want to leave. We had to
pry Cade off the fence and take him kicking and screaming
"I want see animals."

1 comment:

chandra said...

TOO COOL!!!!!!!!!!