Thursday, August 28, 2008

Alligator Farm

We went to the alligator farm yesterday we did not see many alligators,
but we saw these cattle egrets, as we drove they would fly ahead and land and then they would have to move again. Really funny.

We saw several garden spiders like this one. Tyler came home and studied up on them. Here are a few facts:
1. The female can get up to an inch and a half in size.
2. The male can only get up to a third of an inch.
3. The female builds a large web with no line down the middle.
4. The male builds smaller webs with lines down the middle a little bit away from the females.
5. At night they eat their web and build a new in another place by morning.
6. They hang head down in the middle of their webs.
SOOOO.... Is this a male or female?

That's right Male.

Cousin Roxie

This is Uncle Jason's daughter Roxie. We're not sure who she looks like!

As you can tell she is very wild! Haha.

Sometimes she even wags her tail.

Bailey was jealous of Roxie being on the blog so I put his picture on also.

Back in NC

We went back to NC this past weekend. We had a nice time.

This is Scott skipping rocks on the river in front of his parents house.

Cade entertaining in front of Grandma's house.
His pants are wet because he was playing in the river.

Cade and Lulu playing in the river at Grandma's.

More river ....There is usually water here but they are in a drought
so there is no water here.

Looking for a good skipping rock.

more river (resevoir)

Tyler put rocks in the water so he could "walk" on water.

Tyler attempting to skip rocks

Grandma and the kids sitting on the bulkhead at the water.(Cassie the dog)

Four wheeler time

Cade was scared because they saw a spiderweb..... they did not run into it they
just saw it.

Four wheeler

See how low the water is

View across the resevoir

Cade and Uncle Jason at Aunt Treva's or as Cade says anchieva.

Feeding the horses carrots at Uncle Carl and Aunt Treva's
Feeding Star ....They also rode Star but both the horses were
spooked by the flash on the camera...and I didn't want to hurt the kids
Chillin' at Uncle Carl and Aunt Treva's
Playing pool in the "Tarheel" Garage

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Evening Beach Trip

We went over to the beach on Saturday evening. We got there about 8:00. The boys wanted to see if fishing was any better in the evening. It was not so good as far as catching but it was really nice as far a comfort.


Looking fo fiddler crabs to fish with.

My camera died shortly after getting there so this is all the pics.
It was really pretty and when the stars came out the sky looked so much bigger than from our neighborhood.

School Time

It's school time again at our house(the public school starts tomorrow). Tyler and Morgan are mainly using ABEKA curriculum this year with some variations like Morgan is using Christian Liberty Press for History but in general ABEKA. Tyler's first chapter in science was plants and Morgan had it in her book about the sixth chapter so we decided for everyone to do plants at the same time. Here are our leaf collections in progress....

Cade likes his picture made in strange ways

Pressing our leaves

Cade is doing Letter of the week prepatory curriculum. This is what he learned about last week .
If you ask him what we get from a cow he will say "cow milk" if you ask him how he will say " you quat and you queeze"

Tyler pressing leaves

Another of Cade's poses

This is when our books came in Morgan was very excited Tyler was more worried about eating (look at his cheek)

Sixth Grade for Tyler

First Grade for Lulu

Cade wanted me to take a picture of his tongue

We are looking forward to a great year.

Cade's an Oscar Mayer Weiner

Co-op Yearbook Party

Here are some of our friends at our yearbook party.
The Beech's

Some of the teens.

The Stephen's and a Boro's




Chris and Aaron rode with us they had several fight over the front seat. Usually Tyler would win by slipping in while they were wrestling. They also had fun with spit balls and lots of fun in Arby's.