Tuesday, August 5, 2008

School Time

It's school time again at our house(the public school starts tomorrow). Tyler and Morgan are mainly using ABEKA curriculum this year with some variations like Morgan is using Christian Liberty Press for History but in general ABEKA. Tyler's first chapter in science was plants and Morgan had it in her book about the sixth chapter so we decided for everyone to do plants at the same time. Here are our leaf collections in progress....

Cade likes his picture made in strange ways

Pressing our leaves

Cade is doing Letter of the week prepatory curriculum. This is what he learned about last week .
If you ask him what we get from a cow he will say "cow milk" if you ask him how he will say " you quat and you queeze"

Tyler pressing leaves

Another of Cade's poses

This is when our books came in Morgan was very excited Tyler was more worried about eating (look at his cheek)

Sixth Grade for Tyler

First Grade for Lulu

Cade wanted me to take a picture of his tongue

We are looking forward to a great year.


chandra said...

Good Luck this year!! I know we will have lots of fun learning together!

Four4Him said...

Hey Stef! Your homeschooling looks like so much fun...you were always good at making it fun! The kids look beautiful; and you finally got one that looks JUST like you. He's a cutie. can't wait to get to know him. we come home next summer.
