Thursday, August 28, 2008

Alligator Farm

We went to the alligator farm yesterday we did not see many alligators,
but we saw these cattle egrets, as we drove they would fly ahead and land and then they would have to move again. Really funny.

We saw several garden spiders like this one. Tyler came home and studied up on them. Here are a few facts:
1. The female can get up to an inch and a half in size.
2. The male can only get up to a third of an inch.
3. The female builds a large web with no line down the middle.
4. The male builds smaller webs with lines down the middle a little bit away from the females.
5. At night they eat their web and build a new in another place by morning.
6. They hang head down in the middle of their webs.
SOOOO.... Is this a male or female?

That's right Male.

1 comment:

chandra said...

Very cool spider picture and info! I am sure Cade was thrilled with that!